Bioactive materials help stimulate the natural remineralization process. In the presence of saliva, they elicit a biological response that forms a layer of apatite and a natural bond between the material and the tooth.*
Pulpdent’s research focuses on developing bioactive materials that imitate the physical and chemical properties of teeth, help neutralize conditions that cause dental caries, and maximize the potential for remineralization.
ACTIVA BioACTIVE materials behave favorably in the moist oral environment. They participate in a dynamic system of ionic exchange with saliva and tooth structure, continuously releasing and recharging calcium, phosphate and fluoride and responding to pH changes in the mouth. When the pH is low, the demineralization process releases calcium and phosphate ions from both the teeth and ACTIVA. When the pH increases, these ions are available to combine with the fluoride ions in our saliva and precipitate onto the teeth in the form of acid-resistant fluorapatite.

The addition of a patented rubberized-resin molecule to the ACTIVA resin matrix absorbs stress and shock and delivers unprecedented toughness and fracture resistance.
ACTIVA BioACTIVE materials are strong, esthetic and durable, and offer an
alternative to traditional composites, which are strong and esthetic but are passive and without bioactive potential, and to glass ionomers, that release a significant amount of fluoride but have poor esthetics and undesirable physical properties.
Interested in learning more? Download the ACTIVA White Paper.
*Hench LL, et al. J Biomed Mater Res 1972;2:117-141.
*Jefferies SR. J Esthet Restor Dent 2014;26(1):14–26.