Bulk Fill with Confidence – ACTIVA™ BioACTIVE-RESTORATIVE™
Bulk Fill Technique Tips from Dr Comisi
BioActive Bulk Fill Made Easy
Bulk Fill Challenges
Bulk fill procedures using traditional composite materials present a number of concerns for practitioners:
Unpolymerized resin and the heat generated by light curing bulk fill materials can irritate the pulp and cause sensitivity.
Condensing and layering traditional bulk fill composites can result in gaps and voids.
Chipping and cracking at the margins and on occlusal surfaces is a common occurrence due to the brittle nature of traditional materials.
Research shows that current bonding agents, when used with traditional composites, degrade over time resulting in microleakage, staining, and restoration failure.
Bulk Fill Technique Tips
The syringe technique eliminates voids common with heavy body composites, and together with very low shrinkage and intimate adaptation to tooth structure, this technique yields a monolithic restoration without voids or marginal gaps. Place mix tip against the floor of the cavity and allow the material to flow ahead of the mix tip. Maintain contact with floor and move tip around the box. Allow material to back fill the cavity preparation. Keep tip submerged in the material at all times to avoid air bubbles. It is advisable to allow the material to self cure for 20-30 seconds before light curing.
Solutions Flow From ACTIVA
ACTIVA is dual cure, which ensures depth of cure. Its self-cure mode reduces the exothermic reaction and polymerization stresses, and eliminates sensitivity caused by excessive heat and unpolymerized resin.
Instructions For Use

Clinical Validation and Awards
Independent studies indicate that ACTIVA is tougher and more fracture resistant than all other direct restorative materials tested. ACTIVA’s patented rubberized-resin component resists wear, fracture and chipping. University testing shows that ACTIVA’s compressive strength is comparable to the leading composites and far superior to glass ionomers and RMGIs.
A two-year clinical performance report from The Dental Advisor gives ACTIVA BioACTIVE-RESTORATIVE a 5-star rating. 158 restorations recalled after two years were rated for lack of postoperative sensitivity, esthetics, resistance to fracture and chipping, resistance to marginal discoloration, wear resistance and retention. ACTIVA received a 98% clinical performance rating.
The BioACTIVE Difference
While traditional composites are passive in nature and have no bioactive potential, bioactive materials play a dynamic role in the mouth. They are moisture friendly and react to pH changes in the oral environment to help fortify and recharge the ionic properties of saliva, teeth and the material itself.
ACTIVA releases and recharges calcium, phosphate and fluoride. It stimulates apatite formation at the material-tooth interface. This natural remineralization/regenerative process knits the material and the tooth together, penetrates and fills micro-gaps, guards against secondary caries, and seals margins against microleakage and failure. This bioactive difference supports a prevention model and helps maintain the health of the dentition.
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